Rugby Festival of Culture 2012

Bilton Silver took part in Rugby’s first ‘Festival of Culture’ in the summer of 2012, and looks forward to doing the same in 2013.

Taking Place in Rugby Town Centre the Festival Provides a fantastic platform for locals musicians, dancers, comics, artists, writers, actors and singers to showcase their talent and be part of what is already one of Rugby’s biggest and popular events.

Rugby Festival of Culture plans once again to serve up a fantastic feast of cultural entertainment, including music, dance, art, theatre, comedy, poetry, literature, walks, food and drink – so make sure you get the dates in your diary! Friday 28 June through to Sunday 14 July 2013.

Visit the official website at

Keep your eyes peeled for Bilton silver at 00:21 & 01:05!

© 2025 - Bilton Silver (Rugby) Band