Charity Music Concert for the children of Langa Township, South Africa (10th May 2013)

When Jodie Fisher, assistant principal cornet with Bilton Silver (Rugby) Band and A-level student at Princethorpe College, went on a school sports tour to South Africa, she thought she was going to play a few games of hockey and netball, come home, and that would be that. However, she reckoned without the children of Langa, a township in Cape Town.

Jodie takes up the story:

“One afternoon we visited the township of Langa. We walked into a shed where an artist was painting animal pictures to sell. He said ‘the children will be pleased to see you’. And they were! As we walked into the village, children ran from all directions, asking for piggy back rides and shoulder rides for our tour of the village. Some had no shoes on, but they ran over to us all like they had known us for years.

“Once back in the UK, I knew I wanted to do something to help – they were such inspirational children who had nothing – so I decided to organise a charity concert to raise money for them to buy sports equipment and musical instruments.”

The concert is on the 10th May 2013 at 7:30pm. There will be a variety of performances including soloists from Princethorpe College, Bilton Silver Academy4Youth, Crescent School Brass Group, Princethorpe College String Quartet and Bilton Silver (Rugby) Band. The venue itself is also rather special – Princethorpe College Chapel – a local landmark, but one which members of the public would rarely get a chance to visit.

Tickets are £5 (under 16’s £3) available from [email protected], with further details at

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