Matthew Moran


Matthew has been in the Bilton Silver organisation since 1998, originally playing on cornet in the Training Band. After moving to the Senior Band in 2005, and not progressing further than the 3rd cornet position, an opportunity arose to swap the cornet for a BBb Bass in 2008.

After a month of Christmas carols to “get your lip in”, there was no looking back to the cornet, except maybe in envy of the transportation ease.

Being absolutely honest, when playing cornet I went through a period of not enjoying it very much. I never thought about the Bass, but it has really changed my enjoyment of playing. It’s an instrument which is easily overlooked but not as easy as you might think to play well.

In addition to his seat in the Bass Section, Matthew held the position of Band Seargent from 2014 to 2023 and Chairman since 2022.

© 2025 - Bilton Silver (Rugby) Band